Rose - Veterinary Assistant


Meet Rose, our dedicated Vet Assistant at Dominion Crossing Veterinary Hospital. With a passion for animals that stems from her love for all creatures, Rose began her journey as a volunteer at the Humane Society, enhancing the lives of dogs through training to increase their chances of finding loving homes.

Driven by her devotion to animal welfare, Rose pursued studies in animal behavior, delving into understanding their body language and communication. Her journey led her to the fast-paced environment of the vet ER, where she honed her skills and knowledge.

Now an integral part of our team, Rose is committed to continuous learning and growth. Her aspiration to become a vet tech reflects her unwavering dedication to the well-being of animals. At Dominion Crossing Veterinary Hospital, Rose is a safe haven for our furry friends, always eager to welcome new companions and provide them with the care and compassion they deserve.

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